My Beautiful Grands
My Grandson at just 6 weeks old

My new grand daughter 3-26-11

My Grandson's Tummy Time

My Granddaughters Tummy Time

The Original Famous Yawn

Grammer Loves Me Yawn

He's got the cutest little baby face yawn...

Just Chillin'

Surfer Dude

Not so tough guy Mohawk

The eyes have it

Yummo...a feast just for me.

Grammers Handsome Fella

Grammer is going to spend her vacation with me

Fun day with mommy

Fun day with daddy
Grammer...look what I can do
Hey...look what I've discovered

Grammer...I love the ball pit
Why am I so darn cute?
I can touch my tootsies Grammer
Skyping with Grammer
Good day Grammer
I'm enjoying my new playroom
Three Fabulous Generations
The BIG #1

Yummo birthday cupcake

Let's see what happens when I smack grandpa in the eye

Grandpa still loves me...see him holding my hand
Grammer I had a tough day

My Beautiful Family
I'm a bad boy on my pimped up ride
Pumpkin pickin' with Obaasan and Ojiisan...grandparents from Japan
First Ski Lesson-who knew there was ski's this small
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