Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Arima's First Birthday-Day 2

Continuing on with the Hatsu Tanjo (1st birthday) celebration, "issho mochi"!
A large mochi (Rice Cake) weighing 1 sho. The word for the volume unit issho (4lbs?) is a homophone for issho meaning "A Whole Lifetime," and the issho mochi symbolizes the parents' hope that the child will never go hungry throughout his or her lifetime.

Poor Arima...that cake in her backpack tired her out...she fell flat on her tummy...LOL...she had a great birthday...wish I had been there to share it too.

Thanks for droppin' by this cold morning...I was freezin' last night too...but give me this to snow any day...lol...enjoy the rest of your day...and I hope you all have a stampin' good time.

Stampin' HUGZ

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