So Shelli
I've wanted to post this earlier but was busy and kept putting it off...if you haven't heard...President and CEO of Stampin' Up Shelli Gartner was in a serious accident last week and is in critical condition on the trauma unit of a local hospital...I've added a few lines from her husband Sterling who is keeping us up to date as to how she's doing.
"Shelli and Kadie fell at about 8:40 Thursday morning; we didn’t arrive
at the hospital until around noon. It took us that long to get Shelli
off the mountain, and she was hurting and being positive the entire
time! Once in Kanab, they took X-rays and a CAT scan, and we found out
that she had fractured her wrist in three places, her pelvis in four (in
Salt Lake City, they found a fracture in her sacrum as well), and her
left clavicle. They told us she needed to see an orthopedic surgeon,
which meant we needed to either go to St. George by ambulance or to Salt
Lake City by Life Flight. She wanted to be as close as possible to her
daughters and her home, so she chose Salt Lake".
She is on the trauma floor, with lots of testing, poking, prodding, and physical therapy...with her husband Sterling by her side...and smiling through all the pain.
"For those who have asked about Kadie, she’s doing great...She’s
healing nicely, is receiving some treatment (massage therapy, of
course!), and should recover completely as well"...instinctively Kadie did everything she could to protect Shelli, taking as
much weight as possible on the left side of her head and shoulder to
diminish the impact on Shelli...If Kadie hadn’t rolled the way she
rolled, Shelli wouldn’t be with us--I have teared up often over the past
few days as I have thought about what might have happened. . . I am
very grateful tonight for so many things".
A BIG thank you to Sterling for keeping us all up to date on Shelli's and Kadie's condition.
If you would like to send a card for Shelli...Stampin' Up said it can be mailed to the main head quarters office.
Stampin Up
Attention: Get Well Shelli
Attention: Get Well Shelli
12907 South 3600 West
Riverton, UT, 84065
Have a great weekend everyone...and I hope you all have a stampin' good time.
Stampin' HUGZ
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